What happened to the days of mailing holiday cards with your annual family photo on the cover? You know, the cards your Mom would place on the refrigerator. Well, many of these cards are now sent via email. Even invites to holiday parties and galas are sent via email these days. While we miss the old days, we also understand times are changing.
E-cards from our family and friends are always welcome! We especially love the animated ones.
But unfortunately, scammers are taking advantage and sending fake E-cards. These scammers have now found ways to install data-leaching programs on your computer once the fake E-cards are opened, and these programs can cause permanent damage to your digital device.
Here are some tips to help avoid opening fraudulent E-cards:
- Look for obvious spelling errors
- Confirm you know the sender
- Don’t click on “accept terms” to open the E-card
- Don’t click on any links or attachments to the E-card
- If you are unsure if it is a scam or not, contact the sender before opening or delete the email